Olympia Kempo Karate A unique and exclusive martial Arts program found only at Olympia Sports Camp. By utilizing the strikes of karate, blocks from kung fu, and the throws from jujutsu, campers...
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An Official “Kids of Steel” Training Camp Triathlon camp is a transformative experience designed to elevate your cycling, running, and swimming abilities. Immerse yourself in a comprehensive program where each day is...
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Track and field is a sport comprising various competitive athletic contests based on running, jumping, and throwing. Olympia will Cover the Basics of Track & Field Camp: Sprints (100m, sprint drills, strength development, starting blocks), middle...
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Taking Tennis to the next level! Ace your child’s tennis journey with our specialized Tennis program! Tailored to foster growth and skill development, our program features a team of seasoned adult tennis...
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The Total Judo Camp! Judo is a fun and dynamic sport, which is practiced by people of all ages around the world. New campers will be able to learn the basics and...
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What determines athleticism? There are 5 factors that determine your athleticism; SPEED, STRENGTH, POWER, QUICKNESS, and AGILITY. These factors help you perform your sport. The better your factors are, the better you...
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The Proven ‘Total Package’ Soccer Program Olympia’s soccer program is ideal for the player who wants to experience an overnight camp that specializes in combining exceptional soccer training, fitness, and traditional camp...
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Learn new skills down at the Waterfront! Aqua Sports is an exciting session offered at camp where campers are introduced to five different water-based sports – sailing, canoeing, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, and...
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